Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Holiday from Real

“Oh, it’s the picture of perfection
Ah, the postcard’s gonna read…
F*** yeah, we can live like this…
We can live like this.”

Jack’s Mannequin, Holiday from Real

I am home. Home, sweet home. I arrived at SeaTac International Airport Monday evening, and after breezing through customs, I hugged my family for the first time in three weeks. What a great feeling. I think my son got taller and my daughter looks older. I wish I could say my journey ended there, and after a quick car ride I was in my own bed, but that’s not quite how it worked out. SeaTac is approximately 3.5 hours from home, so the car ride was not exactly a quick one. I thought I was doing pretty well until about 9:00pm when I felt like I got hit by a freight train. My body just about gave out on me. I realized it was because at 9:00pm pacific time, it felt like 5:00am to me – also known as 22 straight hours awake. I know I said it a few weeks ago, but jet lag? It’s no joke.

Here I am a couple days later reflecting on my journey. I chose those lyrics from one of my favorite Jack’s Mannequin songs because looking back; it really did feel like a holiday from real. The things I experienced were almost too good to be true. It especially feels that way since I am back to the reality I left behind. There are bills to pay, work to get back to in a few days, and finishing the last couple assignments for my Master’s Degree (graduation is in 17 DAYS!!) After that, a whole new reality will be upon me. I am so thankful for the time I got to spend in London and Paris. I feel like I am a bit better prepared for that new reality somehow.

Along with this new impending reality, I’ve been thinking about this blog. I’ve had a really great time writing it, and I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for reading it. I received some great feedback from readers and it was nice knowing that so many of you took that journey with me. I don’t know what I am going to do with this blog now. Should I keep writing? I’m no longer a “librarian in London,” but I like the idea of looking at things through an “alternate lens.”

Until we meet again here in the blogosphere, feel free to check out my final project for this course: my photo book. Thank you again for reading. Also, to my classmates from this program: Thank you. I learned so much from you all and I can’t wait to see what wonderful things you do next!

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