Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mixing it Up - Group Style

Also known as our Digital Video Project.

One of our assignments for this course was to create a digital video. An option for the assignment was to use it as a means of promoting FSU's International Programs, specifically the London Multimedia Design and Production course.

My group had a lot of fun creating the video. I want to give a special shout-out to Jessica for volunteering her Mac (okay, *I* volunteered it.. "who has a Mac?" I said. "I hear iMovie is easy to use.." I said..), and for coming up with the "mixing it up" DJ theme. I'm pretty excited with how it turned out. 


1 comment:

  1. Great video!
    Nicely edited and totally makes me want to recommend your program!
