Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Magic Happens

“You can’t deny that going to Hogwarts wouldn’t be life changing!” Dylan Harper, as played by Justin Timberlake, Friends with Benefits


I remember when Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was first published and the hysteria that climbed with each addition to the series. I also remember SWEARING I would never read them. You see, I have an aversion to all things “fad” and I thought that Harry was just that. I figured it was a craze that would soon pass. I think it is safe to say I was wrong… Very, very wrong. Another thing I remember is that in the fall of 2001, I gave in and checked out the first installment from the library where I was working. This “fad” that I dismissed so easily completely enchanted me. I steamrolled through the next three books, even spending a whole day in my (then) boyfriend’s dorm room reading The Goblet of Fire cover to cover. After that I had to anxiously await The Order of the Phoenix with the rest of the world.

Another thing I remember about Harry was the controversy that surrounded him. Allegations of promoting witchcraft were common. I was just excited that kids were reading! As far as content is concerned, I have no room to talk. I was reading Dean Koontz and Stephen King when I was 11 – as approved by my parents, of course. To me, the series allowed kids to delve into their own imaginations while exploring Harry’s world.
When the films started being produced, imagination was brought to life. I got to experience some of that magic today as I toured the Harry Potter Studio in Leavesden. What an amazing tour. I was completely fascinated with all of the props! My favorite part of the tour however, had nothing to do with the props or sets. My favorite part was the display of concept art from various artists. I have a vivid imagination when I read, so seeing how others’ interpretation of key scenes was really intriguing. The artwork was simply amazing. Vibrant and dramatic, the paintings were like seeing emotions on canvas.

Concept Art


Concept Art 2


Yeah, yeah.. more concept art


And... concept art


Last one. This one is my fave. What can I say? I like the creepy ones.

 It’s been two years since the last Harry Potter movie was released, but Harry’s impact still endures. The studio was packed today and there were a lot of young children running around, mouths gaped open in wonder. I couldn’t help but think that these kids had grown up with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Watching their experience as they ran from set to set or perfecting their wand skills was really fun for me. I also couldn’t help but think of my own kids. They are seven and four years old and I cannot wait to share Harry’s world with them.

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