Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Audio Exercise - Stumbling through Podcasting

Podcasting. This is honestly terrifying. First of all, I absolutely hate the sound of my recorded voice. It's definitely something I struggle with whenever I am recorded for anything - videos, webinars, and now podcasts. I always sit and listen to the recording with my face scrunched up thinking, "I sound like THAT?!" This is something I have to learn to get over, however, since many of my projects will involve my voice in some way or another. This podcast is messy, I fully admit that. Saying that I stumbled through it is definitely accurate! I feel that way about a lot of technology. Sometimes you have to break it to understand it. I'm very good at breaking things. Now that I have successfully broken the concept of podcasts, I can now start building it back up and understanding how it really works. I don't expect a perfect podcast by the end of this course, but I do know it will be better than the one you're about to listen to!

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