Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Photo Editing Exercise: My Fascination with Old Timey Photographs

There are only two weeks to go before I leave for London, which means the mad dash preparations are in full swing. One of those preparations is the multimedia Foundation Exercises. These exercises have included downloading photo and video editing software, and setting up various online accounts.
For photo editing, I have decided to go with FotoFlexer. The program is very straightforward, easy to use and offers a variety of effects that I can apply to pictures. This photo editing exercise asked us to take a photo with our digital camera, upload it to the photo editor of our choice, and post them to our blog noting the effects used.
Original image: Palouse Falls State Park.
It's a LONG way down.
This is a photo I took on a recent trip to Palouse Falls State Park in Washington. This was only the second time I had really used my camera, and I managed to get some really awesome pictures. So awesome in fact, the Washington State Parks recreational and storytelling blog, Adventure Awaits, used my story and a couple of my

My attempt at "old timey"

I decided to crop the picture to make the waterfall more of a focus. I then played around with the effects until I settled on an effect called “old photo” which gave the picture an aged appearance. I also added the effect “retro” which rounded the edges and aged the picture a little further. After playing with the saturation and contrast, I ended up with what I would call an “old timey picture.” I love old photographs (and I love any opportunity to use phrase “old timey”). The history you can get from a single picture is really incredible. I wanted my picture to look like it was taken in the early 1900’s and had been stashed in a box, waiting to be discovered. I hope I captured a little bit of that feeling with this.

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