Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

30 Days and Counting

Yes, I have a countdown on my phone.
I'm excited, can you tell?
30 days.. That’s all I have left. In 30 days I will be getting on a plane with my first passport and traveling to London, England. There I will begin a three week stay for my library and information science multimedia design and production courses. I keep reviewing the itinerary for the trip and I think I am still in a state of disbelief. British Museum? Check. Tower of London? Check. Abbey Road? Bodleian Library? Hyde Park? Buckingham Palace? THE GLOBE THEATRE? Check, check, check, check, and holy crap, CHECK. These are places I have only read about. They’ve been settings in beloved stories and subjects of fascinating documentaries, but they’ve always seemed out of reach to me. It’s been a dream, a fantasy even, to travel and step inside these places and experience a country steeped in such history. It’s overwhelming to think about, honestly. I have to admit that the immensity of the trip also makes me incredibly excited. I am essentially doing this on my own. I have never traveled internationally, so I am also looking forward to discovering more about myself as I step out of my comfort zone, take some risks, and meet some great people. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and there is no way I am going to waste a minute of it.

I have also been reviewing the academic requirements of the trip as well. This is my first foray into blogging, and I’m really looking forward to chronicling my trip in this way. I think it will be a great outlet to describe my experiences. I am also looking forward to the photography assignments. Each day we have a new “Photography Focus.” I have always enjoyed taking pictures, especially pictures of the world around me – buildings, water, and unique perspectives. These assignments will really help me grow in my photography and allow me to tap into a creative side of myself that I have feared has been lost. Well, maybe not lost, just buried deep under layers of graduate school stress.

This trip is really the ultimate culmination of my library school experience. I plan on absorbing as much as possible in order to develop new skills to bring back to my professional life. I know this trip will be eye-opening in the best way and I hope you enjoy sharing this journey with me!

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