Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Zen and the Art of (over)Packing

When my best friend went to Spain for her honeymoon a few years ago, she took a carryon bag and a backpack. She took only a carryon bag and a backpack for her entire two and a half week trip. To say that I was impressed is a disgusting understatement. I was in awe and wanted to worship at her altar of simplicity. I suck at packing. Let’s just put that out there. I have a terrible habit of wanting “options” when I travel. Couple this desire with heavy toiletries (seriously, how is this stuff so heavy?? Even when I downsize my products??) and I may as well resolve myself to the fact that I will be paying the extra fee for “heavy baggage.” I do better on shorter trips. Overnight, or two nights, I can manage splendidly. It’s when the trips range into 3+ days territory when I panic. This trip is 21 days. Now, we do have access to laundry facilities, so hopefully this will curb my compulsion to pack (at least) 21 pairs of underwear. My real source of anxiety comes from the fact that I have NO IDEA what the weather has in store for me in London. Truthfully, I have NO IDEA what LONDON has in store for me. I think we’ve hit a breakthrough, people, and the root of my stress. Even though I am looking forward to this trip, I’m finding my need to plan is constantly at odds with my need to just run. I have an itinerary, and that’s great, but I also need to have those times where nothing is planned, and I can just walk out the door, and go wherever my feet decide to take me. How does this relate to packing, you might ask? Well, how much of my “baggage” do I want to take with me to London? How much of my over-planning, borderline OCD-ness do I want to have? On the other hand, how much of that ‘need to run with no limits’ side of myself belongs in the bag? This is where the Zen and the balance come in to play. I know I’ll need both of those sides, in moderation, working in harmony, in order to get the most out of this trip. Hopefully I will have success discovering this balance.

In case you were curious… I have decided to go with the layering approach: mostly jeans, some capris, and tops that can be layered. Tank tops, tees, sweaters, light jacket. Maybe I’ll go with the layering approach to myself as well. I will probably still have to pay the extra fee though.

24 days to go...


  1. Better to pack less and have room for stuff you find. They have stores in London (really!)

    1. Ha! You are absolutely right, Lynne! They DO have stores in London!! And in Paris!

  2. That's what I was going to say! Pack less, shop more! Marks & Spencer is great for picking up those little necessities that pop up. What part of London are you staying in?

    1. I will be in fairly central London (I think), a block or so away from the British Museum. There is a store called Dorothy Perkins that is around the corner that I am DYING to go to!
