Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Things I Want to Show You

“There’s a great joy in my giving. It’s thrilling. It’s exhilarating. It’s important to be a part of sharing. It is my love. It is my joy.”

W. Clement Stone

After the weekend in Paris, I think I truly fell in love with London. When you love something, you naturally want to shout it from the rooftop and share it with everyone. Lucky for me, I’m in the penthouse flat, so the rooftop is awfully accessible. Even though I had a great time in Paris, there is nothing there I am aching to show you. On the other hand, there are many beautiful things in London I want to share.

Great Russell Street and the Rest of Bloomsbury
I want to show you where I sleep, four flights up, in this hot room. Yes, I am sick of sweating, but the slanted ceiling, unique windows, and a view of the life on the street below is beautiful. There is a great grocery store down the street that sells fresh sandwiches (try the red onion and cheese, I swear you’ll love it), and a café with a charming man serving you English breakfast.
The Regent’s Park
I want to show you The Regent’s Park. I want to stroll through the beautifully manicured gardens with you and see every flower. I want to bring you to Queen Mary’s rose garden and show you my favorites. I have a bench picked out for us, to sit and read or just relax and enjoy each other’s company.

You will love Oxford. The buildings are amazing and radiating with history and knowledge. I know you would enjoy lazily strolling through the streets and seeing all of the shops. I know you will love the campus of the University as much as I do.

Views from the River Thames
Oh how I want to take you on the River Thames in a kayak! What a great experience! I want to show you the unique view of Big Ben on the left and the London Eye on the right. I want to yell at you to paddle faster and sing songs with you so that the paddling doesn’t seem so hard.

Plays, pubs, shops, parks… I want to share them all with you. I can’t wait to bring you here and step inside the stone circle together. You know who you are.

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