Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Video Exercise - Life as I Know It

Life as I know it right now involves papers and lists, panic and excitement. To introduce our "home life" to our fellow students, I knew I could go a couple of routes. My dog playing? The cat sleeping? My kids arguing? Me sitting in front of the camera talking (yeah, right)? I decided to go with the place I've been spending most of my free time for the last two years: the bedroom homework cave. Library school has been a test of patience and fortitude as well as a test to family and marriage. I've spent many days feeling overwhelmingly guilty for neglecting my family. Many weekends have been spent sitting right there on that bed surrounded by books and papers for hours on end while I watched my kids playing outside through the bedroom window. Some days it was really hard. Some days I even cried from the frustration and the guilt. I have constantly reminded myself that it will be worth it. My children will understand why I spent so much time on homework, and hopefully, that dedication will rub off on them. They will understand why their mom had to do this for herself and why it was so important.

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