Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Shades of Silver and Grey

“There are infinite shades of grey. Writing often appears so black and white.” Rebecca Solnit

Over the last two days in London I have managed to receive what I would classify as one of my worst sunburns. Ever. The irony of this is not lost on me. When I was packing for this trip, I included very little of my warm weather attire. I know what you’re thinking: “Bree, did you even CHECK the weather forecast before you went?” Why yes, yes I did. Even though I knew the first week I was here was forecasted to be on the warm end, I did not expect for it to manifest into a near record breaking heat wave in London.

When I visited the British Museum this morning, this warm weather was still on my mind, since it was only 10am and it was already warm. We were challenged to focus on one color for this photography focus, and since I am not getting the grey, dreary London I expected, I decided to focus on greys and silvers. I really like the color grey. Grey is very subjective. It can be shiny, like silver, or have undertones of brown or blue. I think everyone has a different idea of what grey is, and that is what makes it such a fantastic color. I really enjoyed the different shades of grey (at least fifty of them, I’m sure..) and the different textures in the objects I photographed. There is a lot of history in the British Museum, bathed in every color of the rainbow. I hope I can steal a few minutes to go back before this trip is up.

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