Join me as I create multimedia projects while discovering a city I've dreamed about visiting all my life. See London through and alternate lens - mine.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

All Good Things

"It's easier to resist at the beginning than at the end." Leonardo da Vinci

As they say, all good things must come to an end. After careful consideration (and by “careful consideration” I mean “insomnia overthinking”) I have decided to retire this blog. I briefly changed the layout and even the title, but as I thought more about it, it just didn’t feel right. This blog was a requirement for my multimedia program in London, and even though it started off as just another assignment, it became a real chronicle of my time there and I wanted to preserve that. I am not going to delete this blog, because I am very proud of it, and I love being able to share my trip through it.
When I started library school two years ago, one thing we were encouraged to do was start blogging. I created a blog and never did anything with it. I think that it is high time I change that. Life is changing a little bit for me, and I’d like to blog about it, but this is not the proper forum.

So without further ado, I bring you Life, Libraries, and the Pursuit of Information.  I hope you like it. Thank you again for reading this blog and taking the trip to London with me.

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